Lighting control for more saving

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Change the glass not entire windows

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About us

Synergis Consulting s.r.o.

We integrate technologies to save all energies in the common company life. Finding the  optimal way how to save costs for energy means that every project is for a concrete customer based on his needs. It starts in lighting controls through the glass change after air conditioning and heating control. We give strictly clear recommendations leading to savings and we show the way when the price for energy is growing up.

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What we have done

For the company FORVIA – Faurecia Czech Republic, we implemented a RETROFIT of controlled lighting in one of their production plants. The design of the solution and the project documentation we made in one week. The implementation itself then takes 3 days on site and 1 control day in heavy traffic. Annual savings in the amount of more than 30% of costs beyond the scope of lighting with LED lights using sensors and active time control of the lighting of the entire building with a six-month return on investment of active lighting control. A flexible and proactive approach is our standard.

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